Eco-Friendly Decor: Sustainable Choices for a Stylish Home

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How can you decorate your home with sustainable items that show you enjoy eco-friendly décor and being environmentally responsible? Here are just a few ideas.

The days of polluting and overusing resources is over and nearly every company must adhere to sustainability plans and work to reduce their carbon footprint. You can do the same at home by using décor and natural items in your home. Its amazing how many home décor products are now recycled from plastics, food waste, and synthetic fabrics.

Here are just a few of the eco-friendly décor items you can choose from for a sustainable and stylish home.

Use cork wallpaper on your walls

Cork is made from the bark of cork oak, which means it can be regrown and isn’t a synthetic product. Wallpaper made from cork is an excellent option for your home. It can be applied without chemicals and gives you a beautiful look that you’re sure to love. The non-toxic materials are better for your health. Changing from conventionally manufactured wallpaper to materials made from grasscloth or cotton, is good for you and your loved ones while also being good for the environment.

Reuse your old furniture

The more we can keep items out of landfills, the more sustainable we become. One of the eco-friendly décor ideas that helps you reduce your carbon footprint is finding ways to reuse your old furniture. This means repairing or repurposing items such as chairs, cabinets, and tables that can be used once again in your home. If you have family members with old furniture that they no longer want, ask them to give it to you to repurpose or donate it to people who can use it.

Energy efficient lighting

Today’s lightbulbs are much more efficient and use less energy than ever before. You can use energy-saving LED bulbs in most areas of your home to create a wonderful look in your home and still know that you’re saving energy. These bulbs use less power and last a long time, making it easy for you to keep your energy bill low and have bulbs that function for several years.

Use natural materials in your décor

One of the best ways to use eco-friendly décor and create a sustainable environment in your home is to use natural materials in your décor. Ask about the products you buy and make sure they are made from materials such as bamboo, jute, wool, organic cotton, and other natural materials. Avoid synthetic items that are made from plastics. This is an excellent way to be environmentally responsible. These natural items can give your home a wonderfully earthy look that you’re sure to love.

Choose the right paint

You can be a responsible user of the right paint when you ask for eco-friendly paints that are made from more natural alternatives like plant extracts. Wall paints with beeswax and seed oils as a base are also sustainable and allow you to avoid paints made of VOC’s, which can be harmful to you and your family. Consider these paints made of natural materials and put the colors you love all around your home.

Add solar to your home

Although it’s not as much a décor item inside your home, one of the best eco-friendly décor items for a sustainable home is a set of solar panels on your roof. These panels are widely found on homes these days and can greatly reduce your energy bill. In fact, some solar users report sending energy to the grid, which means they make money off the solar panels instead of paying for energy use. This is

Get crafty and creative

Instead of throwing plastics and metals away in the garbage, learn how to reuse them around your home. While you won’t want every item in your home to be something you made, or maybe you will, you can create some useful items out of milk jugs, vegetable cans, and other items that you would normally throw away. Of course, a great way to be an environmentally responsible person is to recycle many of these items instead of tossing them in your garbage can.

Use plants around your home

Plants liven up your home and give you clean air and a wonderful feeling of life. If you want to take this eco-friendly décor a bit further up the sustainable scale, create a compost bin in your yard and use the compost dirt in your potted plants. This dirt is filled with wonderful nutrients that can make your plants grow beautifully, and the compost bin helps reduce the garbage you send to the landfill.

Which of these eco-friendly décor ideas will you put to work to create a sustainable home focus?

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